4/25/2023: Brand Ingram & Eric Staggs
This is a DIY unsupported challenge to sail, paddle, or row 180+ miles along the beautiful Florida panhandle with a little of Alabama thrown in. You choose the dates, you choose the stops, and you choose your crew and any other boats to accompany you. Your reward is a beautiful adventure, sense of accomplishment, name in our hall of fame, and a plaque to hang on your wall (you pay postage).
The Route:
You can start from any launch ramp of your choice between the two end points of North Beach Social in Santa Rosa, FL ( and Pirates Cove in Josephine, AL ( but wherever you start better be where you end up or else you didn't do a 180! There are a whole host of launch ramps you can choose from and I recommend checking out Pat's Cruising Map to help you decide. There is one requirements at both places: you must get a selfie with recognizable signage in the background. Would also like some pictures along the way that you can share currently on Facebook but hoping to set up blogs here for each challenger. When you successfully complete the challenge, please fill out this FORM.
The Rules:
You must read and comply with the Florida 120 guidelines.
You must do the entire route in one continuous trip. No doing part of the route then coming back to do the rest.
This is a small boat challenge so motors cannot be used to forward your progress. Should you need a motor to get out of a sticky situation, you need to sail the extra distance you went under motor somewhere on your route.
You must follow "leave no trace" by packing up everything you bring in and even cleaning up your campsites so it looks like nobody was there. Honor private property and overall don't ruin things for the rest of us!